〒379-2153 群馬県前橋市上大島町25-23


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Gatt Comes into Effect


The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was a treaty signed by 23 countries in 1947 whose primary goal was to promote international trade by reducing trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas. After several rounds of negotiations, the seventh round of talks, known as the Uruguay Round, led to the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995. The GATT was then integrated into the WTO, becoming the organization`s foundational agreement.

The GATT`s provisions were designed to create a more predictable and open trading system. It aimed to reduce tariffs and other trade barriers, provide a framework for trade negotiations and dispute settlements, and promote economic cooperation between member countries. The agreement also established the most-favored-nation (MFN) principle, which required member countries to treat all trading partners equally.

The GATT`s impact was significant. It facilitated the growth of international trade by encouraging countries to open their markets to foreign goods. It also helped prevent trade wars by providing a set of rules for negotiating trade agreements and resolving disputes. Throughout its existence, the GATT was widely regarded as a success, and its principles became the basis for trade negotiations around the world.

In 1994, the Uruguay Round of negotiations concluded with the signing of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) agreement. This agreement replaced the original GATT and established the World Trade Organization (WTO) as the international body responsible for regulating global trade. The WTO builds on the principles established by the GATT, but also extends its scope to cover services, intellectual property, and other issues related to trade.

The GATT and its successor, the WTO, have played a critical role in shaping the modern global economy. They have encouraged countries to open their markets to foreign trade, leading to increased economic growth and specialization. They have also helped to prevent trade wars and resolved disputes between countries. While the GATT is no longer in operation, its legacy lives on through the WTO and the principles that it established.

In conclusion, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was instrumental in shaping the modern global economy and promoting international trade. Its provisions formed the basis of trade negotiations and dispute settlements for much of the twentieth century, and its success led to the establishment of the World Trade Organization. Today, the legacy of the GATT lives on through the WTO, which continues to promote open and fair trade between nations.
