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  • 2022年11月26日


    This Agreement Ended WWI: A Brief Overview

    World War I, also known as the Great War, was one of the deadliest conflicts in history. It involved many of the world`s major powers, including the Allied Powers led by France, Russia, and the United Kingdom, and the Central Powers led by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. After years of brutal fighting and devastating loss of life, the war finally came to an end with the signing of an agreement that would shape the course of history.

    The agreement, known as the Armistice of 11 November 1918, was signed between the Allied Powers and Germany in a railway carriage near the town of Compiègne in France. The armistice marked the end of hostilities on the Western Front and effectively ended the war. It was initially set to last for 36 days, but it was later extended several times until the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.

    The Armistice of 11 November 1918 was a significant moment in history for several reasons. It led to the collapse of the German Empire and paved the way for the creation of the Weimar Republic. It also marked the beginning of the end of the Ottoman Empire, leading to the eventual establishment of the modern Middle East. The agreement also set the stage for the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, which officially ended the war and imposed heavy reparations on Germany.

    The Armistice of 11 November 1918 was a monumental moment in history that brought an end to one of the deadliest conflicts in human history. It paved the way for significant political and social changes in Europe and beyond and helped set the stage for the turbulent years that followed. Today, it remains an important reminder of the horrors of war and the importance of striving for peace and diplomacy whenever possible.

    As we look back on this historic moment, it is important to remember the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who fought and died in World War I. Their sacrifice and dedication to their country will never be forgotten, and we honor their memory by striving to create a better, more peaceful world for future generations.

  • 2022年11月20日


    Over-contracted verbs can be a tricky aspect of language for even the most experienced writers and editors. These are verbs that have been contracted in a way that can be grammatically correct but can also cause confusion or ambiguity in meaning. In this article, we will explore what over-contracted verbs are, why they can be problematic, and how to avoid them.

    What are over-contracted verbs?

    Over-contracted verbs occur when a contraction, such as couldn’t or shouldn’t, is used in a sentence without taking into account the meaning and context of the sentence. In some cases, over-contracted verbs can distort the intended meaning of a sentence.

    For instance, let`s say you come across this sentence: “I couldn’t take the baby to the doctor yesterday because I had a meeting.” This sentence is grammatically correct, but it could be interpreted in different ways. Depending on the context, it might mean that the speaker was physically incapable of taking the baby to the doctor, or it could mean that they were simply too busy to do so.

    Why are over-contracted verbs problematic?

    There are several reasons why over-contracted verbs can be problematic. First, they can lead to ambiguity and confusion, as we saw in the example above. This can be especially damaging in business writing, where misunderstood messages can lead to lost opportunities or wasted time.

    Second, over-contracted verbs can make your writing seem less formal or professional. They may be acceptable in casual conversations, but in business writing or formal documents, they can come across as unprofessional.

    Lastly, over-contracted verbs can affect your SEO strategy. Search engines tend to prioritize well-constructed sentences that convey a clear message. Over-contracted verbs can lead to sentences that are difficult to understand and may not be picked up by search engines.

    How to avoid over-contracted verbs

    The best way to avoid over-contracted verbs is to pay close attention to the context of the sentence and the intended meaning. If you are unsure whether a contraction is appropriate in a particular sentence, always err on the side of caution and use the full form of the verb.

    Additionally, it can be helpful to read your writing out loud or have someone else read it to you. This can help identify any awkward or confusing sentences that may be due to over-contracted verbs.


    Over-contracted verbs can be a challenge for writers and editors to navigate. However, by paying close attention to context and meaning and avoiding contractions when in doubt, you can ensure that your writing is clear, professional, and effective in communicating your message.

  • 2022年11月19日


    As a copy editor, communication is key. However, there may be times when you have a disagreement with a coworker that cannot be easily resolved. It is important to handle such situations with professionalism and respect. Here are some tips to help you navigate through disagreements with coworkers:

    1. Listen actively: When you encounter a disagreement with a coworker, it is essential to listen actively to their point of view. Take the time to understand their perspective and allow them to express it fully without interruption. This will help you to identify any areas of agreement and make it easier to find a mutually acceptable solution.

    2. Keep emotions in check: Disagreements can be emotionally charged, but it is important to maintain a level head. Avoid getting heated or personal, and focus on the issue at hand. This can help to keep the conversation constructive and productive.

    3. Seek common ground: While you may not agree with your coworker on every point, try to identify areas of common ground. This can help to create a sense of collaboration and can lead to a more positive resolution.

    4. Be open to feedback: It is important to be open to feedback from your coworker. If they have valid points that you had not considered, take the time to reflect on their feedback and incorporate it into your thinking.

    5. Seek assistance if needed: If you find that you are unable to come to a resolution, or if the disagreement is affecting your ability to work effectively together, seek the assistance of a third party such as a manager or HR representative.

    Disagreements are a natural part of the workplace, but they do not need to be disruptive or damaging. By approaching disagreements with professionalism and respect, you can create a more positive and collaborative work environment.

  • 2022年11月14日


    The Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement, commonly referred to as the EEI agreement, is a standardized contract that governs the sale and purchase of wholesale electricity between two parties. It is considered the industry standard and is used by many utilities, power generators, and energy traders.

    The EEI agreement was created by the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), a trade association that represents the interests of investor-owned utilities in the United States. The agreement has been revised several times since its inception in 1996 to keep up with changes in the industry and regulatory requirements.

    The agreement establishes the terms and conditions for the sale and purchase of electricity, including the price, delivery point, and payment terms. It also outlines the responsibilities of each party, including the obligation to provide and receive electricity, maintain transmission and distribution facilities, and comply with relevant laws and regulations.

    One of the key benefits of using the EEI agreement is that it is a standardized contract, which means that both parties are on equal footing when negotiating the terms. This reduces the need for lengthy negotiations and legal review, which can save time and money.

    Another benefit of the EEI agreement is that it is recognized by regulatory agencies, including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). This means that it is more likely to be approved by regulators and can help streamline the process of obtaining necessary approvals.

    However, it is important to note that the EEI agreement is not one size fits all. Each transaction is unique and may require additional terms or modifications to the standard agreement. It is important to work with experienced legal counsel to ensure that the contract meets the specific needs of each party.

    In conclusion, the Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement EEI is a standardized contract that governs the sale and purchase of wholesale electricity. It offers several benefits, including standardization and regulatory recognition. However, it is important to work with legal counsel to ensure that the contract meets the unique needs of each party.