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The Agreement Was Signed by


When referring to the act of two or more parties formally agreeing to something, one common phrase used is “the agreement was signed by.” While this phrase may seem innocent enough, there are a few things to consider when using it in your writing, especially if you want to optimize it for search engines.

First and foremost, it`s important to make sure that your verb tense matches the context of your writing. If you`re talking about an agreement that was signed in the past, it`s appropriate to use the past tense (i.e., “the agreement was signed by”). However, if you`re discussing a current or future agreement, you should use the present or future tense instead (i.e., “the agreement will be signed by”).

Another thing to consider is the use of passive voice. While passive voice can be useful in some situations, such as when you want to emphasize the action rather than the person or entity performing it, it can also make your writing sound more formal and less engaging. Additionally, passive voice can make it harder for search engines to understand the subject of your sentence and can hurt your SEO efforts.

To avoid passive voice, consider rewriting the sentence using active voice instead. For example, instead of “the agreement was signed by both parties,” you could write “both parties signed the agreement.” This not only eliminates passive voice but also makes the sentence more concise and easier to read.

Finally, think about the context of your writing and whether or not “the agreement was signed by” is the best phrase to use. If you`re writing a legal document or a formal business report, it may be appropriate to use this phrase. However, if you`re writing a blog post or other informal piece of content, you may want to consider using a more engaging or creative phrase instead.

Overall, while “the agreement was signed by” may be a simple and straightforward phrase, it`s important to consider its verb tense, use of passive voice, and overall context to ensure that it`s optimized for both readability and SEO.
