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Capital Lease Agreement Template


For businesses, leasing equipment can be a cost-effective way to obtain the tools needed to run operations. A capital lease agreement outlines the details of the lease, including payment terms, the length of the lease, and ownership rights. A well-crafted capital lease agreement can help protect both the lessee and the lessor, ensuring a smooth and successful leasing experience.

When drafting a capital lease agreement, template options are available to make the process easier. A capital lease agreement template can serve as an outline that covers all the necessary details the agreement will need. Starting with a template can save time and help ensure that all the essential elements are covered.

Here are some critical elements to include in a capital lease agreement template:

1. Definitions: Define the key terms used in the agreement, such as “Lessor,” “Lessee,” “Lease Term,” and “Lease Payments.”

2. Equipment description: Clearly describe the equipment being leased, including the make, model, and serial number.

3. Lease term: The lease term should specify when the lease begins, the length of the lease and when the lease ends.

4. Payment terms: The payment terms should include the amount of the lease payments, the due dates, and any late fees.

5. Purchase option: If there is an option to purchase the equipment at the end of the lease term, include the details and the purchase price.

6. Insurance: Specify the insurance requirements for the equipment and who is responsible for obtaining the coverage.

7. Repairs and maintenance: Define who is responsible for repairs and maintenance of the equipment during the lease term.

8. Breach of contract: Include the consequences of a breach of contract by either party and the steps to be taken in case of a dispute.

A well-crafted capital lease agreement can help protect both parties and ensure a smooth leasing experience. By starting with a capital lease agreement template, businesses can save time and ensure that all the necessary terms and conditions are included. Being thorough in the drafting process can set the stage for a successful leasing experience and help avoid potential issues down the road.
