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Over-Contract Verb


Over-contracted verbs can be a tricky aspect of language for even the most experienced writers and editors. These are verbs that have been contracted in a way that can be grammatically correct but can also cause confusion or ambiguity in meaning. In this article, we will explore what over-contracted verbs are, why they can be problematic, and how to avoid them.

What are over-contracted verbs?

Over-contracted verbs occur when a contraction, such as couldn’t or shouldn’t, is used in a sentence without taking into account the meaning and context of the sentence. In some cases, over-contracted verbs can distort the intended meaning of a sentence.

For instance, let`s say you come across this sentence: “I couldn’t take the baby to the doctor yesterday because I had a meeting.” This sentence is grammatically correct, but it could be interpreted in different ways. Depending on the context, it might mean that the speaker was physically incapable of taking the baby to the doctor, or it could mean that they were simply too busy to do so.

Why are over-contracted verbs problematic?

There are several reasons why over-contracted verbs can be problematic. First, they can lead to ambiguity and confusion, as we saw in the example above. This can be especially damaging in business writing, where misunderstood messages can lead to lost opportunities or wasted time.

Second, over-contracted verbs can make your writing seem less formal or professional. They may be acceptable in casual conversations, but in business writing or formal documents, they can come across as unprofessional.

Lastly, over-contracted verbs can affect your SEO strategy. Search engines tend to prioritize well-constructed sentences that convey a clear message. Over-contracted verbs can lead to sentences that are difficult to understand and may not be picked up by search engines.

How to avoid over-contracted verbs

The best way to avoid over-contracted verbs is to pay close attention to the context of the sentence and the intended meaning. If you are unsure whether a contraction is appropriate in a particular sentence, always err on the side of caution and use the full form of the verb.

Additionally, it can be helpful to read your writing out loud or have someone else read it to you. This can help identify any awkward or confusing sentences that may be due to over-contracted verbs.


Over-contracted verbs can be a challenge for writers and editors to navigate. However, by paying close attention to context and meaning and avoiding contractions when in doubt, you can ensure that your writing is clear, professional, and effective in communicating your message.
